We pride ourselves on the production of our reusable bags. After all, it’s how we got our start. These bags are the founding product of the company, so they hold a special place in our heart.
The material we use in the making of our reusable bags is Non-Woven polypropylene. Here’s a basic explanation of those words:
Non-Woven PP is a thermoplastic polymer. This means that you can melt it down to make it into something else.
In other words, this material is a strong recycled plastic, ensuring that they are an eco-friendly option. We would actually consider this the biggest benefit of these bags.
A second benefit is that they can withstand many uses before exhibiting any wear and tear. This means that customers will be able to help eliminate the use of single-use plastics in the environment!
With our reusable bags, there is no limit on printing capabilities, and many accessory options to consider. This includes:
A third benefit of reusable bags is the publicity. Most likely, if your bag has an attractive design, your customers will reuse it in their daily lives. Keep this in mind when creating your packaging – that’s where we come in. In the event that you don’t have a graphic designer, we can help with that too!
Let MarxPackaging help you create the perfect packaging. We’ve been in the industry for over 10 years and have spent that time perfecting the reusable bag. Moreover, our sheer passion helps us produce the perfect bag for your products.
We frequently collaborate with event coordinators (for example, Toronto Gift + Home Market) to maximise publicity of brands! You should consider it as well.